In case you are wondering what a Sphygmomanometer is, it is a piece of equipment that is being used to get the measurement of the body’s blood pressure. It specifically gets the systolic blood pressure as well as the diastolic blood pressure. It is actually suggested to have a medical attendant when you measure your blood pressure in order to precisely record it. In the case that you have high blood pressure (also known as hypertension) or low blood pressure (also known as hypotension) you have to make sure that you have the exact data to prevent the impairment that you are suffering.
However, you also have it taken on your own. You have the option to take it outside of a facility if your
impairment is not that severe. If you are not efficient enough, there are family members and friends
who can help you. Just purchase the right kind of sphygmomanometer.
Now, in case that you have decided to take your blood pressure on your own, always bear in mind that
in everything, there are necessary precautions to follow. Equipments such as medical ones are fragile
and must be used as it should be for the reason that it will determine how fit and healthy you are.
Hence, the following information are safety preventative measures to always think of:
• There are three (1) kinds of sphygmomanometers. These are mercury sphygmomanometer,
aneroid sphygmomanometer and digital sphygmomanometer. Make sure that you have what is
advantageous and convenient to your medical or non medical condition;
• Aneroid sphygmomanometer as well as digital sphygmomanometer possibly will have need of
periodic kind of calibration as compared to mercury sphygmomanometer;
• Always make use of a bigger cuff on patients who are obese or with heavy muscles;
• Utilize, however, a smaller kind of cuff for pediatric patients such as infants and kids;
• For those who are in the pediatric sections, a lower blood pressure or hypotension, may in point
of fact geared towards the existence of high blood pressure or hypertension.
• Never ever put the cuff above clothing;
• Make sure that you are flexing and assisting the patient’s arm at times of taking the blood
These are just some of the precautionary data. In a number of patients the Korotkoff sounds fade away
as the systolic pressure is bled in a decreasing manner. After a few gaps in time, the Korotkoff sounds
however come back. This gap is generally referred to as the “auscultatory gap.” This patho-physiologic
incidence can, in point of fact, cause a noticeable irony of the body’s systolic blood pressure. This by
and large happens if the cuff pressure is not eminent enough when it is used. This is typically because
the swift pumping up of the cuff of the blood pressure up to 180 mmHg was recommended over.
The “auscultatory gap” is considered to be linked with carotid atherosclerosis and a trimming down in
arterial fulfillment in patients who are suffering from high blood pressure.