Procedures On How To Measure Blood Pressure Using A Sphygmomanometer

We all know that our blood pressure is crucial. It is an important part of our human body to determine our fitness and body components. That is why having the right type of equipment a must. The human blood pressure is assessed by means of a sphygmomanometer. It is a devise that determines the systolic and the diastolic blood pressure. These two are the main components of the pressure that when combined together, it produces a figure that represents the pressure of the blood. The measuring unit that is used is the mm Hg or millimeters of mercury.

Procedures On How To Measure Blood Pressure Using A Sphygmomanometer

There are in point of fact three (3) types of sphygmomanometers. These are mercury, aneroid and

digital. The aforementioned types of sphygmomanometer have its own function, advantages and

disadvantages, separately. The following procedures, however, may help you with using the type of

sphygmomanometer you possess in the right kind of way:

To start with your endeavor regarding the blood pressure depth, make sure that you are

using a blood pressure cuff with a proper size. It will produce better and accurate results. The

measurement lengthwise of the bladder of the cuff you are using is supposed to be no less than

equivalent to 80% of the perimeter of the upper part of your arm.

You should next wrap up the cuff in the region of your upper arm in the midst of the cuff’s

inferior edge one (1) inch on top of your antecubital fossa.

Now, nonchalantly press the bell of the stethoscope above the brachial artery immediately

lower than the cuff’s border. There are quite a few health care practitioners, experts and

workers that have complexity in making use of the bell in the antecubital fossa. There is a

technique in doing this. I put forward that it is better to make use of the bell or even the

diaphragm to determine the body blood pressure.

In haste, you should pump up the cuff up to 180 mmHg. After such, let go air inside the cuff at a

reasonable speed (e.g 3mm/sec).

After doing that, listen by means of a stethoscope and at the same time monitor the

sphygmomanometer you are using. The first sound that you hear is called the Korotkoff which

is your very own systolic blood pressure. When the aforementioned sound fades away, that is

now your very own diastolic pressure. It is now then divided and combined. The normal blood

pressure of the body is 120/80 mm Hg.

Note down the final blood pressure in both of your arms and make a note of the disparity; you

must as well record the patient’s situation (supine), which arm was used in taking the pressure,

as well as the size of the cuff whether it is small, standard or large adult.

Lastly, if the patient’s blood pressure is eminent, assess the blood pressure two (2) extra times;

just always make sure to give intervals and wait for a few minutes amid measurements.